Horrible job search techniques are one of several mistakes people make in trying to get an audio job. Not having a proper system in place to actively seek your dream job will yield you no results and waste your precious time.
The “Shotgun Approach” is what most amateur audio engineers do to try and find audio jobs. They send out their resume dozens of times to jobs that looked interesting with no rhyme or reason. Often, we use the logic, “something has to stick, right?” Wrong!
The other common approach is just as ineffective — The “Wait and See Approach.” We send out a resume –wait…wait some more, feel terrible, and get demotivated. And then, do it again!
The right way to do it, the way top performers land audio gigs, is to get laser focused and specifically pick 1 job title and 3 companies you’d like to work for. Then work backwards to get to know people at these companies and get the inside scoop on if the job is right for you. This is called “Natural Networking.”
For example, here’s how you do this technique:
Step 1) Pick a job title- “recording engineer, dialogue editor, etc..”
Step 2) Pick 3 companies you want to work for- “Ocean Studio, Cartoon Network, Skywalker Sound”
Step 3) Use social media or company websites to find current or previous employees that work at the company and get their contact info. (use linkedin, facebook, twitter, etc. and search for people that work at “company”) Look for people that have the job title you want or better yet, the higher level people (managers, hiring agents, presidents)
Step 4) Send them a quick 3-4 sentence email introducing yourself and asking for a meeting. Tell them you’re interested in the company and are conducting research for jobs. Get a 15 minute coffee meeting and just talk about them and the companies “needs” for the position you’re interested in.
Most people are going to respond. Some aren’t. But that’s okay. If you send 10 of these messages a week, you’ll get between 5-7 responses. Remember that people love helping other people. But most people never ask. And asking is the best way to get your dream audio job.
By the way, most people are busy and may not meet, so emailing back and forth or a quick phone call is okay too. Just make it easy for the other person, and never intrude on their time.
Some questions to ask in your natural networking interviews in your meetings:
- What skill set is required in the job?
- How did you get your start in the company?
- How do you like your position?
- What’s one thing you wish you’d known before you got started?
- What are the companies greatest challenges?
This is the insider info that top performers obtain and use to their advantage.
Imagine, you were able to get this data from a current worker of the company on your list. And you tailor your resume based on what you’ve learned the company needs. And even if you don’t have the experience, companies hire people they know and trust. You’ve just met with somebody from the company, and as long as you didn’t act like a weirdo, you should be able to get connected directly with an interview.
This is how top performers get audio gigs. You may have heard that you have to go out and network. But it’s not going to a sleazy event and talking to people that want the same thing you do: a job. It’s a more natural approach. And getting specific on what you want.
The audio jobs aren’t really advertised on the web or on job boards because the smart audio engineers are snagging them up before the companies can post these jobs.
It can be intimidating at first when you do this. But don’t let fear get the best of you.
You deserve a better quality of life, and you deserve your dream audio engineering job.
If you’re shy like I was in the beginning of my career, I suggest reading How To Win Friends And Influence People. This book helped me overcome networking anxiety, helped me communicate better, and got me more friends.
So if you’re sick of what you’re doing now, and want your dream audio job, then follow these guidelines to get you what you deserve.
Action Steps:
- Pick a job title
- Pick the top 3 companies you want to work at
- Find people at the company using social media to meet them, ask questions, and make friends
- Ask for the job
What are your successes? Did you do these techniques and face any challenges? Comment below and share your story with us! Share this post if you like it and think it could help your friends. Give first, get later! Stay awesome!